September 20, 2017
It is with great joy that we as a congregation will be celebrating our 32nd Anniversary on Sunday September 24th. We will worship at 10:30 AMwhich will include the dedication of the new roof which was installed in June. Following worship we will enjoy a potluck lunch. We hope you will be able to be part of our celebration.
Here are a couple of notes about our celebration Sunday.
POT LUCK LUNCH. If you are able to bring an item for the potluck it can be either hot or cold (cold or finger-foods are preferred so that you will not need to be concerned about how you are going to look after it in the ovens during our time of worship). Tea/Coffee/Beverages will be supplied and ready for us to enjoy.
BRING A FLOWER to worship. I know it sounds like an odd request, but we have been asked to bring a stem of a flower (any colour, any height) to worship. If you don't have any flowers perhaps there is a road side flower or a leafy branch you can bring. A number of vases will be provided on a table at the front in which to place your flower/stem. From our individual lives we bring gifts and when we merge them together with the gifts of others we will build a beautiful bouquet of blessings.
Anniversary Sunday is a wonderful celebration for our faith community and we hope you will be able to join us and share in the joy of our time of community, faith and fellowship.
Rev. Neil McEwen